Cuban Movie poster art and other things…...

"When the revolution took control, a group of graphic designers were called on the need of a new image, fresh as the revolution, an image that had to be aesthetically opposite to the old school. Since the government had no need to advertise the movie -they became very affordable and movie theatres were always full- the silkscreen movie poster became an art form by itself. The artists were encouraged to research and learn from the world's best graphic designers at the time.

This group of Cuban artists -often called the Golden Team- were producing with such quality and intensity that they start winning prestigious prizes and recognition from all over the world as soon as 1964; articles and books were published and graphic and collectors began taking interest. They were creating posters for political, social and cultural organisations at the same time. The result was a body of work that because it was influence by many cultures , it developed an eclectic and artistic style of its own".


We recently supplied Mr Brighside cafe in Penrith with a whole bunch of chairs and bar stools:


Recently framed:

This canvas used to have a gold frame around it. It's kind of cool what a different perspective a new frame can give.

The driftwood frame here softens the bright colours, as opposed to a black straight frame that would sharpen and modernise.

Black and white always looks good with a nice Chocolat' wax frame.


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